Successful Business Owners (and Individuals) Plan First

More new college graduates than ever plan to, or have begun, an entrepreneurial endeavor. Moms who want to work but also want to have control over their schedules start consulting firms. Mention “angel investors” now and the term is commonly understood. A decade ago, the angel investor descriptor would likely have been mis-understood.
However, statistics report that many, in fact most, businesses fail. How could this be? What is typically overlooked that leads to these unfortunate results? The answer is likely a failure to effectively PLAN. To be successful, intensive planning must lead your endeavor—not follow behind. To quote our featured Certified Public Accountant, Wendy Jones, “A methodical plan of action is needed to fulfill your dream or goal of being your own boss and running a successful business.” Her firm, Keystone Tax Service, helps business owners avoid mistakes.
If you are trying to evaluate whether your plan for personal financial success is on track, it might be time to schedule your Second Opinion Service with us.
Our Entrust team loves providing answers to your most important questions. Schedule your complimentary consultation now.