Financial Advisors
September is the month many of us associate with “back to school.” September of 2021 is a singular back to school moment for many students who experienced an interruption to their in-person education due to the pandemic. Perhaps that makes this school year extra special and a good time to re-evaluate your child’s financial education. After all, you are preparing your children for a self-sufficient future, not to boomerang back to the care of mom and dad! Our Entrust advisors ...
Uncertainty continues to be a primary characteristic of our current experience, as it has been since the beginning of the spring season. And if you are like many of us, this uncertainty may be causing financial questions to swirl in your mind. We have answers and as our Entrust clients know, we have a structure in place to provide them to those not yet working with us—Entrust’s Second Opinion Service. What about cost? Spending extra money right now for ...
When you hear talking heads on financial shows mention the Federal Reserve, the drama attached to the reports may cause you to tune out. After all, you do not personally impact the decisions of the Federal Reserve and despite what is decided during prominent Federal Reserve meetings, it can be difficult to discern what long-term benefit is intended by incremental—such as one-quarter of one percent—changes in the Federal Funds rate. Perhaps having a better understanding of the purpose of ...
You may be familiar with the idiom “A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.” When it comes to your money, not only can it be dangerous—it can be downright expensive. For example, one often reads that titling one’s assets as “joint” avoids probate following a death. Doing so is touted as smart because it saves legal fees and keeps family business private. When parents read about such potential benefits, they often find it appealing to title accounts jointly with ...
We all want to make the right decisions when it comes to our money. Therefore, at Entrust we identified three components of wealth management that can make all the difference to you, when it comes to long-term financial success. These are: Holistic wealth management planning for the long-term Values and goals-based portfolio strategy (rather that product-based) Periodic review meetings to assess and refine planning, as needed There may be no better illustration of the need for these three components than ...
In today’s world of “instant,” concepts such as value and worth may no longer be second nature to many of us. For instance, an appraisal of the monetary value or worth of your business, as you anticipate selling it to fund your retirement plan, can depend on a variety of factors you might not have thought of—including whether you have paved the way for selling it and how quickly you want to exit. Tracey M. Jasey, Partner, MPI Business ...
Preparing for retirement is often identified as the number one concern of middle-class millionaires. The implied solution for resolving this concern is rather straightforward: Build a portfolio large enough to generate the income you need for the style of living you prefer, and you are good to go. After all, having a good income during your working years made all the difference. Won’t it be the same in retirement? Well, maybe, but then again maybe not—due to what we, ...
The kids are heading back to school and we parents are hoping they learn a lot, not just academic information but life and social skills, too. Jen’s video introduces an important life skill—understanding money—that you can help your children learn.
Most of us want to retire—someday. And we aim for our investments to appreciate so that we can distribute income from them throughout our retirement years, without running low on money and equally importantly, without diminishing our style of living. As the capital markets gradually appreciated during 2017, our goals for making work optional—retirement—felt good indeed. Now that volatility has returned with a vengeance, it can take a dose of faith to stay invested. However, there are three things we ...
Achieving “millionaire status” is the financial aspiration of many. However, when we do the math in 2018, we realize that for most of us accumulating a million dollars for the future is just step one. With the disappearance of pensions and escalating costs for health care as we age, we need to have multi-millions set aside for our retirement. After all, we do not want our style of living to diminish down the road; if anything, we want it to ...