Don’t Miss The Launch!

Middle Class Millionaires:
Personal and Business Finance—Tips from the Top
Q2, 2019
Build Your Professional Team: Investment Advisor, Insurance Agent, Accountant (CPA), Attorney
As we head into the beautiful spring season, our Entrust Financial team is launching a new approach to our communications with clients and the community. We will draft our weekly blogs around a quarterly theme, complete with video story illustrations of the content. This will permit readers to go more deeply into each personal and business-related finance topic—one entertaining sound-bite at a time.
Speaking of entertaining, we find it highly amusing that a “video” we created just four years ago, in 2015—when we took Entrust independent to become an independent registered investment advisor—now seems like something from a century long past. For a trip down memory lane and an excellent example of the accelerated rate of change with which we now live, take a look:
But do not be concerned, future videos will be up-to-date just like those you take with your phone. For the second quarter of 2019, please be on the look for our inaugural edition of:
Middle Class Millionaires:
Personal and Business Finance—Tips from the Top
The quarterly strategic topic is: Build Your Professional Team. We believe you will benefit from the launch of our new approach to communications and, as always, welcome your feedback.
Contact us right now to discover how we can help you launch a new direction in the success of your personal and business finances!