3 Reasons to Maximize Your 401(k) Contributions
We love the industry chart that shows how much one dollar can appreciate if invested in the capital markets over a long period of time. In fact, for successful investors, the likely investing time-horizon is a lifetime—even though income will be distributed from their portfolios during retirement.
Not surprisingly, a careful review of the chart below to learn how your money might grow is different from intentionally choosing to get the ball rolling by maximizing your 401k (or similar employer retirement plan option), and then staying the course. Just in case you need an individual example of success, Joslyn’s twenty years of investment in her employer retirement plan made it possible for her to switch careers and launch Entrust Financial.
Now take a look as Mckenzie provides three more irresistible reasons to maximize your 401k!
Then contact us and schedule a complimentary consultation, to ensure that you are on track to benefit from: 1) tax savings, 2) free money, 3) and the option to choose an earlier retirement date.