Part Two of Three Joslyn G Ewart, CFP® — August 4, 2020 It is not uncommon for considerations of retirement security to begin with a debate about the capital markets: Will they go up or will they go down? This focus—just as you are trying to plan your retirement savings, establish your retirement date, or generate your desired amount of retirement income—can derail you from the actual considerations that lead to retirement security. The purpose of this series is ...
Part One of Three Joslyn G Ewart, CFP® — July 14, 2020 A nugget of wisdom that Warren Buffet has passed along more than once offers the perfect introduction to our discussion about retirement security: You only find out who is swimming naked when the tide goes out. In other words, any investor whose retirement plan was not formulated on a solid foundation was just faced with the truth during the pandemic-driven rapid market decline of March 2020. If ...
On the one hand, we wish we never had to read or hear another word about “the virus.” On the other, while hoping to avoid infection, if we were to become ill, we would want to respond quickly and effectively. Therefore, it is vital to stay apprised of the current understanding of the medical community regarding symptoms and the subsequent right actions to take. This New York Times article: “‘What Are the Symptoms?’ ‘What Should I Do if I Feel ...
For the past twelve weeks, we have provided weekly perspective about the medical and financial crises that struck in the early spring. As the nation segues from sheltering-in-place to heading back to some normal activities, many of us face a similar concern: What can we do to minimize our risk from the pandemic? This concern will likely be around for some time. Therefore, we would like to share the following New York Times article that offers helpful guidance for ...
We mentioned in our previous article that recovery expectations differ widely across the generations, as reported in the current research of one of our strategic partners, Capital Group’s American Funds. The graph provided, illustrating S&P 500 investment returns during each age group’s working years, provides a context for the generationally specific investment results indicated below. Capital Group research conducted in January of 2020 reported annual portfolio return expectations by generation¹: Gen Z ...
The celebration of the Memorial Day holiday is quickly approaching. Typically, we eagerly anticipate this three-day weekend that heralds the beginning of the summer season. This year is different. However, some traces of good news are beginning to surface that suggest a pretty good summer may be on the horizon after all. Specifically, it is now being suggested that socializing outside may be an effective strategy as we take initial steps to recover from the current crises. Financial questions as ...
One The month of May has arrived and, for now, most investors have more positive portfolio values than those reported to them for the previous month. Notable increases are not uncommon. While we would like to be assured that these improved values will be sustained in the weeks ahead, the uncertainty of the consequences of COVID-19 could lead to another round of downward volatility. Two Appreciating the current investment improvement, you may find this second theme positively inspirational: Giving Tuesday, on ...
Our patience with sheltering-in-place is somewhat more difficult to sustain, as we continue in month two and realize that COVID 19 testing procedures remain inadequate and treatments are a work-in-progress. These significant gaps threaten public health and safety and are a challenge that may prevent a return to more normal lives as soon as we would prefer. In the meantime, many questions are surfacing for which answers are needed. Some of these questions are financial and our Entrust advisors were ...
In tandem with the consequences of the medical crisis, long-term investors may be focused on the financial crisis, thinking: “What about my investments? When will they recover?” Recent swift and deep downturns in the capital markets illustrate the relentless uncertainty that persists while investors await a signal that post-pandemic normalcy is returning, with more consistent positive performance results not far behind. You may be reassured by the following slide as you patiently experience life on pause. Shared by our trusted ...
The month of April is perceived by many in the northern hemisphere as a time of renewal. With that theme in mind, we would like to share three considerations that might help to renew your spirits and support your future focus, despite the crises that continue to swirl around us. Three considerations: Last week, April 6th through April 9th (the 10th was a capital markets holiday), was the best performing week of the S&P 500 index¹ since 1974. While pointing ...