Handling personal finances is a complicated endeavor, perhaps now more than ever. Where once upon a time employees counted on a pension and perhaps one other investment account as they aimed for financial security, today it is typical to have numerous accounts—opened while working for a variety of employers. Time and again we encounter those who have lost track of such accounts as the years pass, especially when they misplace their logon credentials. And the difficulty does not end there. ...
While we have not engaged in statistical research to prove the following, it is our experience that when Entrust Financial advisors provide Financial Planning and Wealth Management workshops—such as our most recent presentation for “Women in Nuclear” at Exelon—just as many questions are posed about selecting a financial professional as are asked about the primary building blocks of a sound investment plan. We all want to select the right advisor for us and today’s blog may help: Does Your Financial ...
You may be familiar with the idiom, ”A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.” When it comes to your money, not only can it be dangerous—it can be downright expensive. For example, one often reads that titling one’s assets as “joint” avoids probate following a death; doing so is touted as smart because it saves legal fees and keeps family business private. Readers might assume, too, that joint account registrations help avoid income or inheritance taxes. Actually, depending on ...